Tankmaatschappij Dipping
Moezelweg 101
3198 LS Europoort Rotterdam
The plants are state of the art and have all constructional and operational permits.
To ensure the reliability and safety of the plants, independent experts and internal specialists make frequent inspections and checks. Plant safety is considered as a whole, taking into account technical, procedural, material and local conditions and the strict legal testing criteria.
Fire-protection and extinguishing apparatus and procedures are tested regularly and kept up-to-date.
For business premises that fall under the additional obligations of the Order on Hazardous Incidents (12 BImSchG), the safety report is an effective way of finding out what needs to be done to prevent hazardous incidents and limit their impact on people and the environment.
Tankmaatschappij Dipping
Moezelweg 101
3198 LS Europoort Rotterdam