Neuss I tank farm


Total capacity: 58,100 m³

Storage tanks: 28 tanks from 600 to 9,000 m³

Opening times:
Monday – Friday 5.00 – 17.30
Saturday 6:00 – 9.30

Duisburger Str. 15-17
41460 Neuss
Phone: + 31 (2131) 9100-0
Fax: + 31 (2131) 9100-99

How to get there:
By road: A57 AS Neuss-Hafen or A52 AS Büderich
By rail: Rail Yard Hessentor
By river: Neuss, harbour basin 3

Product range:
Mineral oil products, Biogens,
chemical products

Shipment facilities for:
Tank ships
Road tankers

Tanks with heating coils
Insulated Tanks
Layered tanks
Vapour recovery unit

Additional service:
Additivation and blending
Comingled storage of mineral oil products

Authorized warehousekeeper number:

Taxwarehouse number: